Academic & Public research partners

Fraunhofer IME

Fraunhofer IME is one of the 72 institutes of the Fraunhofer Society, which is Europe’s largest application oriented research organization. The IME offers research and development services for medicine and agriculture focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of human, animal and plant diseases and the protection and improvement of food and feedstocks. The interdisciplinary organisation of the institute as well as its state of the art infrastructure and equipment for life sciences research allows us to address complex R&D tasks in the areas of molecular biology and plant biotechnology. The IME has comprehensive expertise in plant biotechnology including molecular biology, metabolic engineering and plant and plant cell cultivation. The IME has pioneered the production of biopharmaceuticals in plants and was the first institution in Europe which received the approval to produce recombinant proteins for clinical trials by Molecular Farming in tobacco plants. Other plant biotech products developed by the IME have been exploited by industry, e.g. plant stem cells for the cosmetic industry, non-GMO amylose-free potatoes and tyres made of dandelion latex.

Key people

Prof Dr Stefan Schillberg,Workpackage 4 Lead, is Head of the Fraunhofer IME in Aachen, Germany and is leading the Department of Plant Biotechnology. He has an honorary professorship at the Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany. He has more than 20 years experience in plant biotechnology with a major focus on the production of plant-made pharmaceuticals in intact plants and plant suspension cultures, metabolic pathway engineering, strategies to scale-up processes and to improve product levels in plants as well as novel technologies for downstream processing. Dr. Schillberg has published more than 110 peer-reviewed scientific publications, published 27 book chapters and holds 16 filed or granted patents. At the managerial level, he has extensive experience in project acquisition and management, technology and information management, the supervision of large groups, marketing, strategic planning and filing intellectual property. He has coordinated industrial and public funded projects, including the EU projects FP5 RESISTANCE in GRAPEVINE (2002-2005), FP6 SAGE (2006-2010) and FP7 CoMoFarm (2009- 2012) and participated in six other EU consortia. Industrial collaborations include national and international SMEs and large enterprises He lectures at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen and has supervised 26 PhD and various Master and Bachelor theses.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774078.

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